I'm in a wierd place in my life right now! I mean it's one thing to MAKE changes but it's quite another to find yourself GOING THROUGH changes. *sigh*
Soldierboy and I are less than friends now...screw a relationship. That's out the window.
Shine and I are the greatest of friends now...I can only wish he would just let me in but I respect his boundaries and I've decided to move on. A little self-respect helped that decision. LOL I'm good now on the subject of Shine. I think. No, I'm sure. The butterflies have flown away and the sweaty palms have dried up. My heart rate increases but no longer skips a beat when I see him. I have pressed the STOP button my list of sappy love songs that make me think of him. I don't daydream about "us" anymore. I love his girlfriend and we all hang out together. I've accepted the situation... Yeah, I'm resolved.
So now I can move on. Like India.Aries says - "I am ready for Love". I can allow myself to be open to some of these kats that been tryna holla. A date won't hurt. A dinner? A beach outting? A wine tasting? A show of some sort? I can handle that. Don't want to go back online (A4A, BGC, etc.) to find anyone. Been there, been burned. I know there are good guys there but shuffling through the garbage is exhausting!!! Garbage stinks, and I'm tryna stay fresh so I'm not defensive and insecure and chronically untrusting when I do meet a dude. I flirt often but I guess I'm ready to let that flirting lead to something (besides sex). I will put some effort in getting to know a new somebody. And I will need to have some qualifications for that potential person to fill the open position, right? We all have preferences! So let me see..............
In no particular order:
Over 25
Handsome but not pretty
Open minded
Lover of Arts
Positive Outlook
Sexually Versatile
At least minimally health concious/Physically active
God-fearing Christian
Damn, it sho would be nice. I can admit to being lonely lately. I love me and I'm cool with spending time with ME. But since I believe myself to be a cool, romantic, mature fella with the above qualities, then I would like to share my life, my world, my love with someone who is a ride or die type brotha. So yep, I'm now open for business.
I agree with abandoning BGC and A4A. I doubt you'll find a dude who has EVERY qualification you seek; let's hope he comes close. Keep me posted.
I hear you man.. I hope my standards are not set way too high! Just want to avoid as much drama as possible.. LOL
I like this post buddy.. and u know what buddy, it will come to u just take ur time, and give it a fair chance. Glad your ready for it! (love) :)
because after love there is a new book of secrets u must know.. lol... but I will wait for u to fall in love then we shall talk lol. ;)
If my boo finds this.. I love u babe lol lol. ;)
You are on the right path from what I understand from the universe. You're suppose to put it out there. You have done that so all you have to do is sit back patiently and wait for him to arrive.
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